| 1. | We evolve them together to obtain a proper solution 我们称这种演化算法为点树遗传程序设计算法。 |
| 2. | The proper solution would be to make egrep , fgrep and grep all the same binary 较合适的解决方式是让egrep fgrep和grep变成同一个程序档。 |
| 3. | If a young person finds himself under pressure or experiencing emotional problems , he should talk with family members or teachers to work out a proper solution 遇有困难或情绪问题,应与家人及师长倾诉,寻求正确的解决方法。 |
| 4. | Or " multitasking . " many developers believe concurrency demands elaborate mechanisms , and difficult threading code in particular , for a proper solution 许多开发人员都相信:作为正确的解决方案,并发性需要有精巧的机制,特别需要有复杂的线程代码。 |
| 5. | Thus , it is a research work of both practical and theoretical significance to analyze the problems existing in private economy and raise the proper solutions to them 分析研究私营经济发展中存在的问题,并提出发展思路和对策,是一项具有重要现实意义和理论意义的研究工作。 |
| 6. | It is a very important theme zhejiang textile industry faces . its proper solution will effectively propell the healthy and long - term development of zhejiang textile industry 这是浙江省纺织品产业所面临的重大课题,解决好这个课题,将有效促进浙江省纺织品产业的健康、长远的发展。 |
| 7. | Examining each circuit at each second in a cycle way is satisfactory . this , however , may rouse another problem - time difference , for a proper solution , path - management is adopted 我们的解决方案是对各条电话线路采用循环方式处理,即每秒依次对每条线路检测,如果有摘机信号,则进行相应处理。 |
| 8. | The detection of deception is extremely important for ascertaining facts in the police interrogation , for the veracity of suspects " confessions usually decides the proper solution of a case 犯罪嫌疑人供词的真实性通常决定着案件能否成功破获,因此,在讯问中识别犯罪嫌疑人是否在撒谎十分重要。 |
| 9. | So in this research paper , mainly from four chapters , the author approaches the problems which exist during the development of the collectivisation of the media , and meanwhile tries to point out some proper solutions to them 所以,在问题激化之前及时指出问题所在、抓住问题的症结并积极予以正确的解决,对未来传媒集团的发展应该是大有裨益的。 |
| 10. | The following section describes the field problems of data mining on xml , detailed analyses the methods about association rule mining on xml , dissects the key points about transactions , and gives the proper solution 文章在第三章在讨论乃几文档压缩的特点和难点的基础上,提出了结构制导的黝l压缩模型,讨论了在刀田司上进行数据压缩的各种算法。 |